Morag was just an ordinary witch until the day she enrolled for a course of advanced spell casting at the wizard, witch and warlock Institute of Magic. For that was where she met Professor Fizzlestick. Now Professor Fizzlestick was a very wise old man indeed. Morag, on the other hand, was a very vain young witch who didn’t know as much as she thought she did. She could turn people into frogs if they really deserved it, and do other simple spells like that, but she still had a lot to learn. The problem was, Morag thought she was the most perfect little withc in the whole wide world.
Morag’s adventure started on her very first day at school. At the beginning of the day, after all the young witches and wizards had made friends and met the teachers, they were called in one by one to talk to professor Fizzlestick.
“Now, young Morag Bendlebaum, I taught both your mother and your father “. said the professor in a very serious voice, “and a very fine witch and wizard they turned out to be, too. So, what kind of witch do you think you are going to be?”
Without giving this any thought at all, Morag blurted out, “I am better than my parents, and I am probably better than you!”
This answer surprised even Morag, for although she thought this was true, she didn’t actually mean to say it.
“Don’t be surprised by your answers, “said Professor Fizzlestick, “there is a truth spell in this room, and whatever you truly believe you use say. And I must say you appear to have a very high opinion of yourself. Why don’t you tell me what makes you so very good?”
“I am clever”, said Morag, “and I am good, and I am always right.”
“But what about your dark side?” said Professor Fizzlestick.
“I am very sorry to disappoint you,” replied Morag quite seriously. “I am afraid I simply don’t have a dark side.”
“Well in that case I would like you to meet someone vey close to you.” Said Professor Fizzlestick with a smile on his lips.
Morag looked over to where Professor Fizzlestick pointed, and was startled to see on the sofa next to her her self!
As Morag stared open-mouthed with astonishment. The professor explained that if, as she believed, she was without a dark side, then there was absolutely nothing to worry about. “if, however,” he continued, “you have deceived yourself, then I am afraid you are in for a few surprises.”
With that the professor dismissed them both from the room and tools them to get to know each other. As Morag and her dark side stood outside the professor’s room, Morag’s dark side jumped and whooped for joy.
“At last, she cried, ”I am free. I don’t have to sit and listen to you telling me what’s right all day; I don’t have to keep persuading you to choose the biggest slice of cake before your brother – in fact, I don’t I repeat don’t, have to do anything that you tell me, at all.”
So saying, she broke into a run and rushed down corridor, knocking over chairs and bumping into other little witches and wizards along the way. Morag was horrified. She would have to follow her dark side and stop her from causing trouble.
Morag chased after her dark side and finally cough up with her at the chocolate machine. “Don’t eat all that chocolate,” cried Morag. “You know it’s bad for you teeth and will ruin your appetite for lunch!”
“TSK!” scoffed her dark side. ”You might not want any chocolate but I certainly do!” and with that she ran off once more, dropping chocolate on the freshly polished floor as well as pushing a big piece into her mouth.
Just then, the bell sounded for lunch. Although Morag felt she ought to find her dark side, she also knew hat the bell was a command to go the dining hall, and she must disobey it. Morag sat down to lunch next to her friend, Topaz.
She was just about to tell her what had happened, when she saw that Topaz was not eating her vegetables! Morag scolded Topaz for this, and gave her a lecture on eating healthily.
Topaz stared at Morag in amazement, then peered closely at her. “What’s happened to you?” she asked, so Morag explained what had happened in Professor Fizzlestick’s office.
Then she declared, “It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. I thought I was good before, but now I am even better. I never want my dark side back again, but we must lock her up so that she can do not harm.”
Topaz agreed that they must find her dark side, but secretly hoped that she and Morag would be re-united.Morag wasn’t Morag without her dark side. So, after lunch, Morag went for her first lesson of the afternoon. When she got to the classroom she discovered her dark side was already there, busy preparing spells! Morag’s dark side had already prepared a “turning a nose into an elephant’s trunk” spell and a “Running skin into dragons’ scales” spell and was just finishing off a “turning your teacher into stone” spell!
Morag suddenly heard a trumpeting noise from the back of the classroom. The wizard twins, Denzi and Dorian Dillydally, had sprouted huge grey trunks down to the ground where their noses had been. As Morag rushed over to her dark side to make her change them back, she tripped over a creature crouched on the floor. It looked like a dragon and it was wearing a purple and white spotted dress last seen on Bettina Bumblebag. Morag’s dark side was casting spells all over the place. “oh, why doesn’t the teacher stop her!” cried Morag to Topaz. But as I am sure you have guessed by now Nice Miss Chuckle was entirely turned to stone from head to foot!
Just then professor Fizzlestick walked into the classroom. Morag pointed to her dark side, still making spells at the front of the classroom.
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“Lock her up immediately,” Morag begged the professor.
“I am afraid that you are the only one who can do that,” said the wise old man. ”The tow of you are inseparable and you need each other. Without your dark side you would be unbearable and without you she is dreadful. Have I your permission to lock her back inside you?”
Even though Morag didn’t want any part of her dark side back, she agreed reluctantly. Her dark side instantly disappeared, and Morag felt wonderful! Oh, it was so good to be back to normal, to be basically good, but occasionally mischievous.
“Thank you,” said Morag to the professor. “I think I have learned something very valuable today.”
“There is good and bad in everyone,” replied the professor, “. even the most perfect of witches.”
Morag and Topaz went back to the classroom to undo all the bad things Morag’s dark side had done, but on the way they both felt a huge urge for a snack. So they stopped at the chocolate machine first!